Our Fight for Human Dignity

The Pulte Institute's commitment to eradicating poverty means creating a world where every person can thrive, regardless of circumstances, because dignity belongs to everyone.

'Human Dignity' is at the Core of our Work

The Pulte Institute operates with a fundamental belief in the inalienable right to dignity, independent of one's economic or social standing. This principle drives our mission to alleviate poverty and foster empowerment among the most at risk, emphasizing a holistic approach to global development.
By tackling the complexities of poverty and inequality, the Institute champions a human-centered paradigm, focusing on enhancing individual well-being and potential.

A Catalyst for Change

Paul Perrin is the Pulte Institute’s Director of Evidence and Learning and Keough School Professor of the Practice. He speaks of a transformative experience during the Baltimore riots in 2015. Perrin was approached by a young woman urgently asking him to call 911 after a man nearby collapsed. The first responders who came showed indifference and did little to help, mocking the man for being an addict and dragging him along the pavement.

This experience raised essential questions Perrin explores through his research: Does respect for human dignity depend on behavior? And how do we balance a universal concern for dignity with individual accountability?

Perrin calls for a re-examination of practices that perpetuate dehumanization. Addressing these issues, he says, is crucial for creating a more just and equitable society, particularly in the face of racially charged violence and social unrest.

The Multidimensional Battle Against Poverty

Recognizing the intricate web of factors perpetuating poverty, the Pulte Institute advocates for a comprehensive strategy that improves access to education and essential infrastructure — supporting marginalized communities as levers for leading change. 

Education as a Pillar for Empowerment

The Pulte Institute upholds education's transformative potential through initiatives like SHARE (Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education), which shapes U.S. government funding strategies for enhancing education in underprivileged regions worldwide.

Recognizing that knowledge is crucial for escaping poverty, the Institute balances economic growth, social development, and environmental protection to create conditions that enable individuals to develop their full potential.

Climate Change: A Looming Threat to Human Dignity

The threat posed by climate change is intricately linked to poverty, with the most vulnerable populations often bearing a disproportionate impact.

The Pulte Institute is home to FLARE (Forests & Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement), a global network uniting experts across sectors to bring Indigenous peoples into forest discussions and safeguard their ancestral lands. FLARE emphasizes community-managed forests as critical in preserving biodiversity and ensuring traditional livelihoods.

Integral Human Development: A Vision for the Future

The Pulte Institute's work bolsters Integral Human Development, a comprehensive well-being approach encompassing cultural, economic, political, social, and spiritual dimensions. This philosophy ensures everyone enjoys a meaningful life, emphasizing the importance of education, dignified work, and civic participation. 

Driven by Notre Dame’s call to understand global poverty and generate solutions to end it, the Institute has embarked on an ambitious journey to transform lives and create lasting change.


Tools to Measure Respect for Human Dignity

Dignity Literature Review