Journal Publications

Pulte Institute core affiliated faculty and associates disseminate their research in publications that contribute to public knowledge and fuel policy innovation. This list features recent scholarly articles with Institute faculty and staff names featured in bold.

Meng, S. Environmental governance is critical for mitigating human displacement due to weather-related disasters. Commun Earth Environ 5, 363 (2024).

Kumar, S., Hill, C. & Halliday, T.J. Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on low birth weight in a nationwide study in India. Commun Med 4, 118 (2024).

De Neve, JW., Karlsson, O., Rai, R.K., Santosh Kumar, and Sebastian Vollmer. Relationship between adolescent anemia and school attendance observed during a nationally representative survey in India. Commun Med 4, 112 (2024).

Amadu, Festus O., Daniel C. Miller. 2024. "The impact of forest product collection and processing on household income in rural Liberia." Forest Policy and Economics 158: 103098

D’Agostino, TJ, Danice Brown Guzmán, Paul Perrin, Anasthasie Liberiste-Osirus, and Kate Schuenke-Lucien. 2024. “Explaining Variation in Treatment Effects: An Impact Evaluation and Mixed-Methods Study of Variation in Early Grade Reading Program Effects.” Comparative Education Review

Dziadula, Eva and Danice Guzmán. "Do Working Children in Nepal Miss More School? Depends Who You Ask.” International Journal of Development and Conflict 13 (2023): 159–193

Grubert, Emily, et al. 2024. "Making low-carbon energy sustainable." One Earth 7 (2): 163-166

Grubert, Emily, and Shuchi Talati. 2024. “The Distortionary Effects of Unconstrained for-Profit Carbon Dioxide Removal and the Need for Early Governance Intervention.” Carbon Management 15 (1)

Henao, Yulizza, Emily Grubert, Matthew Korey, Lawrence C Bank, and Russell Gentry. 2024. “Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Repurposing Decommissioned Wind Turbine Blades as High-Voltage Transmission Poles.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 150 (5)

Maxim, Alexandra, and Emily Grubert. 2024. “Highly Energy Efficient Housing Can Reduce Peak Load and Increase Safety Under Beneficial Electrification.” Environmental Research Letters 19 (1): 14036

Mejia-Guevara, Ivan, and Maria Estela Rivero Fuentes. 2024. “Intergenerational Paid and Unpaid Labor Production and Consumption Inequality by Gender in Mexico.” The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 27: 100496

Mendonça, David, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Ann-Margaret Esnard, Julio Ramirez, and Julia F. Olson. 2024. “A Framework for Transitions in the Built Environment: Insights from Compound Hazards in the COVID-19 Era.” Journal of Infrastructure Systems 30 (1)

Meng, Sisi, Nafisa Halim, Mahesh Karra, and Pallab Mozumder. 2024. “Understanding Household Evacuation Preferences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Puerto Rico.” Safety Science 171: 106405

Morris, Michael H., Donald F. Kuratko, Susana C. Santos, and Sohab Soleimanof. 2024. “Fear and the Poverty Entrepreneur: The Paradox of Failure and Success.” Business Horizons 67 (1): 41–54

Osei-Kojo, Alex, Lord Horlali Bobbie, Nathan Andrews, Alex Dylan Wilkerson, Ellis Adjei Adams, and Nancy Leech. 2024. “The State of Research on Ghana’s Oil and Gas Resources: Themes and Future Directions.” Resources Policy 88: 104018

Rivero Fuentes, María Estela, Tom Hare, and Laura Miller-Graff. 2024. "Between a rock and a hard place: Multisystem resilience and Honduran youth migration intentions." International Migration (early view)

Roueche, David B., Jordan O. Nakayama, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, and David O. Prevatt. 2024. “A Unified Multievent Windstorm Performance Testbed for Single-Family Residential Buildings.” Natural Hazards Review 25 (2)


Adams, Ellis Adjei
, Audrey Thill, Elias Danyi Kuusaana, and Anna Mittag. 2023. “Farmer–Herder Conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa: Drivers, Impacts, and Resolution and Peacebuilding Strategies.” Environmental Research Letters 18 (12): 123001

Andersson, Krister, Christina Boyes, and Kenneth Richards. 2023. “Diagnosing Environmental Problems and Their Possible Policy Responses: A Tool for Assessing Initial Options.” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 11 (1)

Ángeles, Karen and Tracy Kijewski-Correa. 2023. "Advancing parcel-level hurricane regional loss assessments using open data and the regional resilience determination tool." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 95: 103818

Boyes, Christina, and Krister Andersson. 2023. “Getting Citizens to Conserve Water: A Comparison of Crisis Responses in Bogota and Mexico City.” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 11 (1)

Camilleri, Sara, Anastasia Montgomery, Maxime Visa, Jordan Schnell, Zachariah Adelman, Mark Janssen, Emily Grubert, Susan Anenberg, and Daniel Horton. 2023. “Air Quality, Health and Equity Implications of Electrifying Heavy-Duty Vehicles.” Nature Sustainability 6 (12): 1643–53

D’Agostino, TJ. 2023. “Examination Reform for Higher Order Thinking: A Case Study of Assessment-Driven Reform in Uganda.” International Journal of Educational Development 103: 102918

D’Agostino, TJ, and Cristóbal Madero. 2023. “The Machuca Experience: A Retrospective Case Study of School-Based Socio-Economic Integration.” International Journal of Educational Development 100: 102790

Estefan, Alejandro, Martina Improta, Romina Ordoñez, and Paul Winters. 2023. “Digital Training for Micro-Entrepreneurs: Experimental Evidence from Guatemala.” The World Bank Economic Review

Gautam, Shriniwas, Prabin Dongol, Narayan P. Khanal, Abdurahman Beshir, and Dyutiman Choudhary. 2023. "COVID-19 disruption in agricultural input supply and impact on food security in Nepal." Tropical Agriculture 100 (3): 250-62

Giardina, Giorgia, Valentina Macchiarulo, Fatemeh Foroughnia, Joshua N. Jones, Michael R. Z. Whitworth, Brandon Voelker, Pietro Milillo, Camilla Penney, Keith Adams, and Tracy Kijewski-Correa. 2023. “Combining Remote Sensing Techniques and Field Surveys for Post-Earthquake Reconnaissance Missions.” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

Giulivi, Nicoletta, Aurélie P. Harou, Shriniwas Gautam, and Davíd Guereña. 2023. “Getting the Message Out: Information and Communication Technologies and Agricultural Extension.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 105 (3): 1011–45

Grubert, Emily, and Frances Sawyer. 2023. “Reply to ‘A Commentary on “US Power Sector Carbon Capture and Storage Under the Inflation Reduction Act Could Be Costly with Limited or Negative Abatement Potential” Environmental Research, Infrastructure and Sustainability : ERIS 3 (4): 48002

Kevorkian, Salpi S., Ryan C. Meldrum, Maria Estela Rivero Fuentes, and Tom Hare. 2023. “Street Code Values Among Youth in the ‘Northern Triangle’ of Central America: Do They Predict Delinquency, Substance Use, and Bullying Perpetration?” International Criminology 3 (3): 253–69

Kijewski-Correa, Tracy, Barbaros Cetiner, Kuanshi Zhong, Chaofeng Wang, Adam Zsarnoczay, Yunhui Guo, Meredith Lochhead, and Frank McKenna. 2023. “Validation of an Augmented Parcel Approach for Hurricane Regional Loss Assessments.” Natural Hazards Review 24 (3)

Kijewski-Correa, Tracy, Debra Javeline, William Kakenmaster, and Angela Chesler. 2023. “Economic Incentives for Coastal Homeowner Adaptation to Climate Change.” Climate Policy 23 (10): 1314–26

Londres, Marina, Carl Salk, Krister Andersson, Maria Tengö, Eduardo S. Brondizio, Gabriela Russo Lopes, Sacha M.O. Siani, et al. 2023. “Place-Based Solutions for Global Social-Ecological Dilemmas: An Analysis of Locally Grounded, Diversified, and Cross-Scalar Initiatives in the Amazon.” Global Environmental Change 82: 102718

Miller-Graff, Laura E., Juan Carlos Guzman, and Thomas Hare. 2023. “Psychometric Properties of the CES-D, PCL-5, and DERS in a Honduran Adult Sample.” Psychological Test Adaptation and Development 4 (1): 300–309

Morris, Michael H. 2023. “Empowering the Informal Sector.” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 28 (1)

Morris, Michael H., and Reginald Tucker. 2023. “The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Poverty.” Journal of Small Business Management 61 (1): 102–31

Morris, Michael H., Sohrab Soleimanof, and Reginald Tucker. 2023. “Drivers of Fragility in the Ventures of Poverty Entrepreneurs.” Small Business Economics 61 (1): 305–23

Morris, Michael H., and Susana C. Santos. 2024. “Faith and the Poverty Entrepreneur.” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 28 (4)

Mulrow, John, Joe F. Bozeman, Shantanu Pai, Emily Grubert, and Sybil Derrible. 2023. “Energy-Material Cycles: A Materials-Based Perspective of Vehicle Energy Systems.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling 196: 107039

Rafi, Shahnawaz, Sisi Meng, Joost Santos, and Pallab Mozumder. 2023. “Extreme Weather Events and the Performance of Critical Utility Infrastructures: A Case Study of Hurricane Harvey.” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change

Rivero Fuentes, María Estela, and Edith Y. Gutiérrez Vázquez. 2023. “Migración, violencia y crimen organizado: La importancia de lo contextual, lo individual y lo regional." In La Odisea de Las Generaciones En México: De Las Historias de Vida a Los Territorios, edited by María Eugenia Zavala de Cosío and Pascal Sebille, 483–520. El Colegio de Mexico
Rivero Fuentes, María Estela, and Tom Hare. 2023. "La Experiencia de los Investigadores Centroamericanos en Derechos Humanos ante el Cierre de los Espacios Democráticos en la Región." Revista Internacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Edición Especial. Libertad Académica y autonomía Universitaria en las Américas, 33

Santos, Joost, Sisi Meng, and Pallab Mozumder. 2023. “Integrating Household Survey with Inoperability Input-Output Model of Critical Infrastructure Systems: A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy.” Risk Analysis

Shirokova, Galina, Louisa Selivanovskikh, Michael H. Morris, and Aleksandra Bordunos. 2023. “Unravelling the Relationship Between Dark Triad Traits and Effectuation and Causation Within Small‐ and Medium‐sized Enterprises.” British Journal of Management 34 (3): 1555–83

Stoler, Justin, Danice Brown Guzmán, and Ellis Adjei Adams. 2023. “Measuring Transformative WASH : A New Paradigm for Evaluating Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions.” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Water 10 (5): e1674

Stoler, Justin, Danice Brown Guzmán, and Ellis Adjei Adams. 2023. “Revisiting Transformative WASH: Measuring Impact.” The Lancet Global Health 11 (4): e493–e494

Thapa, Ganesh, Dyutiman Choudhary, Narayan Prasad Khanal, and Shriniwas Gautam. 2023. “Can Traders' Meetings Boost Seed Sales of New Rice Varieties and Promote a Market-Driven Seed System? Evidence from Nepal.” Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies

Thapa, Ganesh, Yam Kanta Gaihre, Dyutiman Choudhary, and Shriniwas Gautam. 2023. "Does private sector involvement improve the distribution efficiency of subsidized fertilizer? A natural experiment from Nepal." Agricultural Economics 54 (3): 429-446

Visa, Maxime, Sara Camilleri, Anastasia Montgomery, Jordan Schnell, Mark Janssen, Zachariah Adelman, Susan Anenberg, Emily Grubert, and Daniel Horton. 2023. “Neighborhood-Scale Air Quality, Public Health, and Equity Implications of Multi-Modal Vehicle Electrification.” Environmental Research, Infrastructure and Sustainability : ERIS 3 (3): 35007

Zarychta, Alan, Michelle E Benedum, Emily Sanchez, and Krister Andersson. 2023. “Decentralization and Corruption in Public Service Delivery: Local Institutional Arrangements That Can Help Reduce Governance Risks.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory

Zsarnóczay, Adam, Gregory Deierlein, Caroline J. Williams, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, Ann-Margaret Esnard, Laura N. Lowes, and Laurie Johnson. 2023. “Community Perspectives on Simulation and Data Needs for the Study of Natural Hazard Impacts and Recovery.” Natural Hazards Review 24 (1) 


Barclay, Iain, Michael Cooper, Jakob Hackel, and Paul Perrin. 2022. “Tokenizing Behavior Change: A Pathway for the Sustainable Development Goals.” Frontiers in Blockchain 4

D'Agostino, TJ, and Ignasi Grau I Callizo. 2022. “Toward Understanding the Global Landscape of Educational Pluralism.” Journal of School Choice 16 (3): 365–87

Gautam, Shriniwas, Dyutiman Choudhary, and Dil Bahadur Rahut. 2022. “Behavior of Private Retailers in a Regulated Input Market: An Empirical Analysis of the Fertilizer Subsidy Policy in Nepal.” Asian Development Review 39, no. 2: 175–99

Gautam, Shriniwas, Yam Kanta Gaihre, Ganga Dutta Acharya, Prabin Dongol, and Dyutiman Choudhary. 2022. “Fertilizer Demand-Supply Gap and Avenues for Policy Revisits in Nepal: Fertilizer Deman Supply Gap in Nepal.” SAARC Journal of Agriculture 20, no. 2: 223–34

Pandit, Naba Raj, Yam Kanta Gaihre, Shriniwas Gautam, Shashish Maharjan, Shree Prasad Vista, and Dyutiman Choudhary. 2022. “Enhanced-Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizer Boosts Cauliflower Productivity and Farmers’ Income: Multi-Location and Multi-Year Field Trials Across Nepal.” Experimental Agriculture 58