Proximity to Books Enhances Students’ Learning

Author: Sefira Fialkoff

Studies have found that close physical proximity to books and greater adult support for reading enhances children's learning opportunities. To ensure children’s access to books as they develop as readers, SHARE, as part of its LIBROS (Learning to Improve Books Resource Operational System) study, researched how to improve Cambodia’s supply chain by analyzing Track and Trace—a digital textbook supply management system.

SHARE found that Track and Trace saved time, money, and human resources. With Track and Trace, it takes between two to four weeks rather than three to four months to conduct textbook forecasting and planning.

Track and Trace also helped improve textbook accessibility. Nearly 60 percent of school directors reported they received textbooks within the first three months after making a request.

“The TnT (Track and Trace) digital book supply platform helped to increase transparency and accountability in the primary-level textbook supply chain,” Project Manager Andrea McMerty-Brummer said. “Before, the textbook supply chain had limited data and accountability. TnT boosted transparency, minimized inefficiencies, and increased textbook accessibility by facilitating direct communication between school directors, publishers, and other supply chain actors.”

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