Health Systems Strengthening

Funded by: Catholic Relief ServicesCountry: Haiti, ZambiaDate Range: 2013Project Lead: Eck Institute for Global HealthNotre Dame Collaborators: Pulte InstituteContact: Michael Sweikar

The Pulte Institute worked with the Eck Institute for Global Health to conduct a final evaluation of the Catholic Relief Services cholera prevention and treatment program in Haiti. The evaluation focused on improvements in the areas of knowledge of cholera, water sources and treatment, hygiene and sanitation, and rehydration treatment. This evaluation was carried out with the use of iPod Touch devices, and administered by trained interviewers. The female head of household (oftentimes the primary caretaker when a family member has fallen ill) was the preferred respondent. Among other improvements, the survey concluded that the local populations became significantly more aware of where best to seek medical attention once contracting cholera. 

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