USAID Research Technical Assistance Center

Funded by: USAIDDate Range: 2018 - 2024Notre Dame Collaborators: Pulte InstituteContact: Kevin Fink

The USAID Rapid Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) is a global network of university researchers who provide USAID missions with rapid, on-demand expertise across all sectors and geographic areas. Led by NORC at the University of Chicago, the consortium of higher education institutions (HEI) supports USAID's missions, bureaus, and independent offices to make evidence-based decisions to inform programming and policy. 

Below is a list of some of the recent research translation products successfully completed by the Pulte Institute through the RTAC mechanism:

  • Food security market analysis of Mozambique’s Zambezia province for USAID/Food for Peace
  • Policy research for USAID on ways to enhance resilience and self-sufficiency of refugees and host communities in protracted contexts
  • An evidence gap map looking at the effectiveness of research for development interventions in low- and middle- income countries (LMIC) that could also facilitate evaluation, research, learning and strategic planning activities for USAID’s Hub for Innovation, Technology and Research.
  • Trainings for RTAC members on 'Data Visualization' and 'Research Administration'

Drawing from the robust and diverse research capacity of Notre Dame's world-class faculty, research staff, and graduate students - as well as the Pulte Institute’s already expansive network of HEI partners in LMICs - the Pulte Institute helps grow the RTAC Research Network and link faculty and researchers to appropriate RTAC research opportunities. For research funding opportunities available through the RTAC program, the Pulte Institute supports faculty and researchers with proposal development, program design and implementation, research translation, financial management, and reporting.

‹ All Pulte Institute Projects