Measures of Human Dignity

Funded by: Catholic Relief ServicesDate Range: 2021 - 2022Project Lead: Pulte InstituteNotre Dame Collaborators: Catholic Relief ServicesContact: Paul Perrin

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has engaged the Pulte Institute to develop a measure of human dignity that can be used in humanitarian and development programs across multiple sectors. The measure may also be applied internally among staff and systems within CRS, partner, or peer organizations.

Led by Director for Evidence and Learning Paul Perrin, the Pulte Institute will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Deliver a literature review on domains and measures of dignity, as well as methods used to measure related concepts. 
  • Collaborate with CRS to develop a framework and methodology for the measurement of human dignity. This will involve participating in and facilitating workshop sessions focused on developing and identifying components of the framework.
  • Manage the Institutional Review Board process for field testing, including preparation of protocol, data collection instruments and consent forms, and managing the submission process until approval.
  • Review field testing tools and results, including statistical analysis required, and work with CRS to interpret the findings.
  • Provide input to guidance for use of the human dignity measure.
  • Co-author an article and participate in a webinar sharing findings on human dignity measures.
  • Serve as part of the technical leadership team for the initiative.


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