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New Tools to Measure Respect for Human Dignity

New Tools to Measure Respect for Human Dignity

Measuring human dignity — assessing various aspects of an individual's well-being, rights, and intrinsic value — is inherently challenging due to its subjective nature. While there isn’t a universally accepted tool for measuring human dignity, the Pulte Institute explores how institutions and individuals demonstrate respect for human dignity.

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FLARE Boosts Forests as Pathways to Prosperity

FLARE Boosts Forests as Pathways to Prosperity

For the past 12 years, FLARE (Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) has catalyzed cutting-edge research to promote the benefits of forests. The collaborative hub of scholars, educators, and practitioners is working across different disciplines to halt the loss of ecosystems and protect biodiversity. FLARE also sees Indigenous People's push for protecting their rights to lands as critical to slowing deforestation.

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'Threats to Democracy are Spreading in the Whole Region'

'Threats to Democracy are Spreading in the Whole Region'

CSIS Americas Program and the CSIS Project on Prosperity and Development, in partnership with the Keough School and Pulte Institute, organized "Democracy and the Catholic Church in Nicaragua," an event focusing on democratic backsliding in Nicaragua and the role of the Catholic Church and faith-based society.

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