Individual and Family Donors

At the Pulte Institute for Global Development, we are immensely grateful for the support we receive through individual and family gifts at all levels, which have supported or created many of our projects and programs over the years. Giving to the Pulte Institute can be as simple as a small cash contribution through our secure donation page, or working with us on a larger project gift, which can be used to support or create specific, highly visible global development projects and/or programs in a satisfying, tangible way that can leave a sustainable legacy around the globe for generations to come.

Working with the Institute on a larger project gift affords individuals and families the unique opportunity to directly impact poverty and inequality across the globe, as well as give to the University of Notre Dame and fulfill the vision of Rev. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., our founder, to make Notre Dame “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country.”

Projects and programs that result from larger project gifts often go beyond published results, and have extended to impactful, tangible results such as solar microgrids providing energy, wells providing water, and newly built schools providing education to the next generation. We recognize that individuals and families seek to impact global poverty and inequality through different avenues and are prepared to help you find a way to execute your vision in a way that aligns with our world-class expertise. Through working with our world-class monitoring, evaluation, and learning experts, individuals and families can learn about the impact and efficacy of their gift(s).

To learn more about how the Pulte Institute can work with you or your family to achieve specific, sustainable change in communities across the globe through a project gift, please contact Michael Sweikar.

Make an immediate gift of $5 or more.