Annie Conaghan

Research Associate

Brianna Conaghan (preferred name: Annie) is a creative development specialist with six years of experience in international education and youth workforce development. She is dedicated to improving equitable quality education opportunities for all students with a focus on marginalized students through inclusive student centered approaches. Annie brings excellent communication skills including cross-cultural communication across diverse actors rooted in diplomacy and respect. On SHARE, Annie has been supporting the DELITES study (Deaf Education Language of Instruction in Education Systems) study in three countries, the CREST (Contextually Relevant Emotional-Social Tools) study, as well as support on the Learning Agenda Refresher process and the Systems Diagnostic Toolkit.

Areas of expertise include: Systems diagnostic, ecosystem diagnostics, student-centered practices, inclusive education, and youth empowerment.

Programmatic strengths include: Detail oriented budget development, partner capacity building, and research and project evaluation while always centering team dynamics and inclusion.